Mommy to the Rescue!

Rescuing my sanity one day at a time.

Too many kids. November 16, 2010

Filed under: Parenting — Mommy to the Rescue! @ 11:45 pm
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You know you have too many kids when you’ve called your child by three different names all of which aren’t theirs.

You know you have too many kids when you can buy a shirt in one size and you know that eventually every kid in the house will be able to fit it at some point.

You know you have too many kids when you say “hey!” and four people turn their heads in your direction.

You know you have too many kids when you have a car seat in each stage .

You know you have too many kids when you can’t go to the store without buying something for at least one of them.

You know you have too many kids when you have to write out what you got each child for Christmas so you don’t mix up their gifts.

You know you have too many kids when someone ask how old your kids are and you sound as if  you’re reading off the winning lotto numbers.

You know you have too many kids when you’re counting down the days til the last one moves out and the youngest is only 6 months.

You know you have too many kids when you go out to eat and your total number of children are greater than the total number of adults.

You know you have too many kids when you go out to eat and the host ask “how many high chair’s will you need?”

You know you have too many kids when you’re folding laundry and you’re not sure what clothes belong to who.

I know I have too many kids but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Yes they’re a handful and yes they drive me absolutely insane but who’s going to take care of my when I’m old, crippled and crazy?